[PDF] China Statistical Yearbook 2008 Ebook
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China Statistical Yearbook 2008 Chinabookshop.net 978 ... ISBN/ISSN: 978-7-5037-5530--9/F.2757; Sample (21.00 KB) I. China Statistical Yearbook 2008 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. It covers data for 2007 and key statistical data in the most recent thirty years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous ... CHINA STATISTICAL YEARBOOK China YearBooks China Statistical Yearbook 2017 is an annual statistical publication, which reflects comprehensively the economic and social development of China. It covers data for 2016 and key statistical data in recent years and some historically important years at the national level and the local levels of province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government. China Energy Statistical Yearbook China YearBooks China Energy Statistical Yearbook is an annual statistical publication, which covers very comprehensive data in energy construction, production, consumption, equilibrium of supply and demand in an all-round way,established in 1986, edited by Department of Industry and Transport Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics. 2008 annual is edited by Department of Energy Statistics, National Bureau ...
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