[PDF] The Theory Of Incentives The PrincipalAgent Model Ebook

Amazon Com The Theory Of Incentives The Principal Agent
Principalagent problem - Wikipedia The principalagent problem, in political science and economics (also known as agency dilemma or the agency problem) occurs when one person or entity (the "agent"), is able to make decisions and/or take actions on behalf of, or that impact, another person or entity: the "principal". This dilemma exists in circumstances where agents are motivated to act in their own best interests, which are ... Laffont, J. and Martimort, D.: The Theory of Incentives ... In seeking an answer, the authors provide the methodological tools to design institutions that can ensure good incentives for economic agents. This book focuses on the principal-agent model, the "simple" situation where a principal, or company, delegates a task to a single agent through a contract--the essence of management and contract theory. The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model on JSTOR Following a brief historical overview showing how the problem of incentives has come to the fore in the past two centuries, the authors devote the bulk of their work to exploring principal-agent models and various extensions thereof in light of three types of information problems: adverse selection, moral hazard, and non-verifiability.

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The Theory Of Incentives The Principal Agent Model Jean

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Laffont J J And Martimort D The Theory Of
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